Saturday, February 27

Losing my Blogging Virginity

Good evening all 0.5 people reading this. I am not entirely sure why I am starting a blog, but I thought who knows, nothing bad is hardly going to come of it... As long as I remember not to post my top secret plans for world domination that is.

So what does the world blog about? Their everyday boring lame ass lives? Their thoughts, theories and opinions on life? Meghan Fox? Pizza? Well, since I am the son of Chuck Norris, I am capable of blogging about all of them.

So first off today I've got a few things I'd like to rant about. First off, congratulations to Kevin Martin and the Canadian Curling team on their gold medal at the Vancouver Olympics today. That puts Canada into an unbeatable position in terms of gold medals. I'd also like to wish Canada's mens team the best of luck in beating the United States tomorrow afternoon in the Gold Medal game of the Men's hockey.

Secondly; I've been reading, rather I have read the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series in the past two days. Yes, I realize that is a bit odd for someone leaving their teens behind them, but I still really enjoyed them. I have an extremely active imagination, and am a complete sucker for any novel that puts a kid near abouts my age (give or take 5 years I guess) into a fantastical situation. So yes, that meant I loved Harry Potter when I was younger obviously, and it is something about those books - the Percy Jackson's and the Harry Potter's which appeal to even though I am above the target audience, simply because they make ME want to be THEM. Even though the main character goes through much hardship, meets many evil and corrupt people, their world is still something that I desire badly. I often want to have more substance to my life, but the problem is that unless you possess vast amounts of resources you cannot attain that substance. These worlds are ones full of complexity, richness, and new sights and sounds everyday.

I realize that the 0.5 people that read this are going to say "but Rowan, technology creates new sights and sounds everyday! And surely, you can't have visited every world wonder. There is so much this world has to offer!" Yes, I realize that is all true, but again, how is a young broke person saving up for University meant to be able to afford that new technology or to see those wonders around the world. Again, some may say that I have to look closer to home, and that I can find meaning and love etc to make my life important. But if I am leaving the town in about a year, whats the point in laying foundations for a life I am not going to live?

Anywho, to be honest I'm really just a megalomaniac and just want to be a demi-god so I can punish classmates for being annoying (drums fingers together like Mr Burns... Excellent). Forget I said anything


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